Friday 19 November 2010

Is it okay to dream?
Of course it's okay to dream, silly child!
Not silly dreams of course, like world domination or growing a third boob; but it is okay to dream a more attainable, realistically possible dream.
But most importantly, the goal is to work towards that dream.
Yes, there may be a long journey and lots of things I need to do first in order to achieve this dream.
But still, it is my dream.
And so, this is my dream.

Not just for me alone but with that aeh person I

0 ka-ching!

Sunday 14 November 2010
The M word.
It's something that people love, hate, love to hate and hate to love.
It's the root of all evil, yet it makes the world go round.
You live with it,You can't live without it.
It's the universal language that everyone in the world understands regardless of race, gender, ethnicity or nationality.
It's a rich man's word, it's a poor man's wish.

Yes Money is the M word.

Gosh sometimes I sit back and think, what is up with this money thing?
People go nuts over it. Like completely bonkers! It's really some crazy shit there.
Humans have this love-hate relationship with money.
It can make a family, it can break a family.
It has its pros, it has its cons.
Look at all the theory and studies people pour into the subject of money.
Isn't that enough to prove how entirely essential it is?

Yes, people love to be all hippie and believe that there is more to life than money but face it! There is no life without money, or rather, you can't live your life without money.
Of course we would all love to live in a world where you can live a perfectly normal happy life without money but in Reality,
no such thing. Never. Ever. Never ever will such a fantasy come true.

I suppose as I grow older (gasp!), I'm starting to feel the disgusting poke of money.
I got like 1 more year left till I graduate and there is no way in hell that my parents are gonna keep supporting my expenses after that.
Yes, the day would finally arrive when the word 'pocket money' won't exist in my world anymore.
It doesn't matter what job you work in this world, legit or not, whether you're a cop or a bank robber, a doctor or a janitor, it all boils down to the same thing. We all just wanna see our $$$ in the end of the day.

Your world is just so limited in the absence of money. You limit yourself, like not being able to buy something you want or really need. You also limit others, namely your loved one, like not being able to give your future children the best education available. And which parent wouldn't want to give their kids the best.

It's also so dangerous. What if something goes wrong, say, a sudden need to go to the hospital to seek treatment? We're talking about your health here. There are no discounts or anything cheaper when it comes to getting the best for your health. Trust me, I've seen how much money that needed to be forked out for my grandmother's medical bills before she passed on, and it really is a shitload of money. Like a MotherLoad! The amount of money you pay for medical bills...hell, you could buy a car, rent a nice 5star apartment, go on a fancy holiday. Yes borderline on those stuff. But why are people so willing to pay loads of money for medical treatment? Cause, duh we're talking about a healthy disease-free, sickness-free life here.
All these, ain't gonna happen if there is no money present.

Shit, I get a headache when I think about it. Hospitals, banks, insurance companies, education institutions...all those that suck money dry dry dry. It makes me mad and I wish that it didn't have to be this complicated.
But damn, in the end of the day, I'm just like any other human and I do need money in order to survive. Especially in this time, in this age, in this century where money controls everything.
Seriously, try as you might, pick the cheapest ghetto in town to live, no matter what, you will need money. Be the most selfish, stingy, pocket hugging person on earth, you still need money!

Money will always run away from you like a stupid game of cat and mouse. Once you catch it, it will run away from your hands in the blink of an eye. It's a never-ending chase.

I find myself thinking about the future as days go by. All the questions pop into my head.
Will I have enough money? Can I support myself? Will I have enough to start a family? If something goes wrong, will I have enough? Which bank to use? What type of account to open? When should I start buying insurance? Should I invest in company shares? Man! Shut up! Take a chill pill. (lame cliche word)

Sigh. Reality gives a big, tight slap across your face like that. I would love to lie to myself and say 'haha! Why worry la. Money will come.'
Yes, yes money will arrive in a nice limo and ring my doorbell and say 'Hi Esther! It's me, Money! And I'm forever yours! I will never run away. I swear!"


Who am I kidding. The only way to achieve a financially sound status is through hard work and effort. Everyone works for their rice.
The one important thing though, is to not let money control your life.
Yes, it is an important aspect of life, but it's not meant to run your life.
You run your own life.
You are the driver, money is your car.
You need it, but you determine which way to steer it.
I believe when money is not the controlling factor in your life, it's when you start to prosper and actually start to see money.
People who stress on and on and on about money always end up not seeing it, or losing it.
What good is there in stressing about it? You're gonna end up stressing about it your whole life, cause as I said, it never ends.

It's just sad when people go to really desperate measures for money. Gambling, prostituting, selling organs in the black market, that sort of stuff...all desperate attempts just to cut up a few bucks.

Gambling..now that one. Haha. That one.
It's the cleverest most dangerous thing people ever came up with.
Yes, it is smart cause it plays on human emotions and psychology so well.
It knows where to dig and dig-- human greed.
Yes, that disgusting little creature that lives in all of us called greed.
Gambling takes that and manipulates it like a crazy dancing frog.
It's something that marvels yet disgusts me; the very intricate, sophisticated, sublime psychological warfare it plays.
If you win, it makes you keep coming back to win more.
If you lose, it makes you want to come back to claim a win.
Look at how it feeds on human ego like a hungry child eating KFC!
And the worst part is that so many many many people has fallen into it. I've seen enough to know that once you're hooked, it's so hard to come out of it.
It's like people who are hooked on gambling are stepping on a landmine.
They know they are stepping on something dangerous, but they don't dare to step away cause they think they will explode.
It's so unbelievable how people whose family and friends leave them, they lose all their finances and property, they still are able to gamble gamble gamble.
Gamble your life away.
You think it's harmless. But why wait to find out that it is harmful once you have lost everything that means something in your life?
Just please, don't get pulled into it.

So yes.
I'm working on the savings, aiming for a job this summer, looking out for my career options after graduation. If I play my cards right, I could get this whole money game right.
That's what it is right? A game.
You win some, you lose some.
And I could wish till the cow comes home for a very nice, stable life where money never becomes an issue but that's rubbish.
Problems will come sooner or later, more often or not. As there is sunshine, there is also stormy rain.
The thing is how prepared I will be for them. It's really a matter of choice.
So shall save like a nut, then when whatever happens happens, I won't be too panicked or stressed about it cause I know I've got the support system down.

Fuck you money. You're such a headache.
Too bad I need you.
Too bad we all need you.

0 Black society

Tuesday 2 November 2010
It's more of a fascination on my part.
I always believed that there is a totally dark and unknown world in it.
It's an underworld.
Too dangerous to know for any ordinary person.

Triad numbers key

- Triad ranks are traditionally denoted by numbers
- All begin with four- the four element, four compass points and four seas
- A leader (taikor), or Shan Chu, is a 489
- Second-in-command, Fu Shan Chu, is 438
- Incensed Master and Vanguard 438s, in charge of oaths, rituals and recruiting
- Then comes the Red Poles, 426s- in charge of fighting and protecting gang rackets
- Also White Paper Fan, 415 rank, in charge of business administration and book-keeping
- Grass Sandal, 432 rank, liases within gang and outsiders

There's a whole hierarchy.

But then again in Malaysia, you can't really blame them.
They may be bad men, but they're also businessmen who try to earn a living as everyone does.
The difference is just that they do it through illegal channels.

Who is responsible if it is rampant on the streets of Malaysia?
Read this and draw your own conclusions.